A Mini-Encyclopedia of Neurodevelopmental Disbilities like CP, Autism, Down's, etc.
Presented by UDAAN for the Disabled

Updated 6th November 2017

Brain and DNA They are one of us too Brain SPECT in CP

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Main menu that allows you to select what you wish to study

Autism Spectrum HBOT/HBAT
Drugs for brain Disorders About UDAAN
Some Basic Info Neural Repair Conference
Mulltimode Therapy in CP / ASD Some Activities incl. ArtReflect Exhibition
Down Syndrome Stem Cell Therapy
Botulinum Injection Helpful Organizations
Newer Therapies at UDAAN

Coming soon:

  • Cardiomyopathy due to Carnitine Transporter Deficiency
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Other Neurodevelopmental Disabilities


For appointment for Consultation with Dr. Arun Mukherjee, MBBS, MD (Medicine), E-mail arun @ udaan.org; Chairman, Medical Director and Founder Trustee or Skype consultation or assessment at UDAAN, contact: Center-in-Charge; E-mail info@udaan.org, Phone on weekdays during office hours to +91-11-41621137.

For a brief drescription of all assessments, facilities, research projects or biomedical / latest regenerative medical therapies available at UDAAN, click here.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

  1. Index of our files on Autism Spectrum Disorder and various methods of Biomedical / Other modern treatments / Standard management(ASD)
  2. A brief note on the incidence of Autism worldwide and how it is affecting India also
  3. Autism Clinical Presentation, Causes, and a brief note on Diffusion Spectrum Imaging at Carnegie Melon Institute
  4. HOXA1 gene: one of the apparent genetic malformations that may trigger or be part of the cause for initiating Autism
  5. Deficiency of Scaffolding proteins such as CASK and its defective interaction of Cdk5 with may have a role to play in the under-connectivity in Autism.
  6. The safety of vaccines in Autism is a very hot and "UNTOUCHABILE" subject. At our own center, we have numerous records of children precipitating Autism after 2 months of a "PARTICULAR" vaccine.
  7. Biomedical Therapy in Autism is an attempt to correct the biochemical, medical and nutritional abnormalities caused by Autism pathologies to improve quality of life of the child and family.
  8. Mercury and Autism seem to have a lot going for it. There is a lot of data on TOXLINE (a branch of Pubmed) that supports the concept of mercury as one of the causes of morbidity in autism
  9. The above brings us to the question of whether or not we should ban Mercury in our drugs and vaccines.
  10. Many tests are done in Autism. Here is a brief discussion. We do these and other tests based on the merit of the case and dysfunctions clinically observed.
  11. ADHD is almost an integral part of Autism. Mild cases of AASD may present only with ADHD. This is a brief discussion on the topic.
  12. MAPS (See Medical Academy of Pediatric Special-needs, USA) is an organisation doing pioneering research on the causes of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities with special emphasis on Autism, and conducting twice a year Teaching Modules to spread awareness on the manageability of these disorders.
  13. Interventions being tried out to benefit children with Autism, including Standard Therapies and some Biomedicals approaches and drugs
  14. Simultaneous use of multiple approaches in a combo protocol to manage Autism
  15. The importance of regulated diet including GFCF Diet in Autsm in the Indian context, as well as International
  16. The importance and use of mHBAT and HBOT in Autism, especially when Hypoxic lesions seen in SPECT Hybrid Scan
  17. Our protocol of using super-concentrated preservative free subcutaneous MB12 injectionin Autism
  18. Some newer therapies that are now becoming more common-place for managing Autism

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

  1. Index Page of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT and HBAT)
  2. What is HBOT or HBAT
  3. Mild pressure ambient air-inflated 1.3 ATA hyperbaric therapy (mHBAT) and its benefits in medicine
  4. Details on 1.5 ATA HBOT using 100% Oxygen
  5. Benefits of high pressure HBOT, now also seen in mHBAT
  6. Our 1 decade CONTROLLED STUDY on HBOT and mHBAT Vs. no HBOT published in UHM journal of March 20014
  7. Role of HBOT in Autism Spectrum Disorder to reduce hypoxic brain lesions
  8. Use of HBOT in the USA
  9. HBOT Tests needed for safety before startig treatment
  10. HBOT User guidelines followed by us at UDAAN
  11. Some useful mHBAT references in various hypoxic brain lesions
  12. Papers on HBOT Research

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Parent-compatible write-ups on some drugs used in neurodevelopmental disabilities

  1. Some drugs used as adjuvant therapy in various Neurodevelopmental Disabilities or its complications like epilepsy
  2. Atomoxetin for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  3. Life-Styles changes found useful in managing Autism
  4. Melatonin to improve sleep disturbance or lack of it in Autism
  5. Baclofen to reduce spasticity in CP
  6. Levodopa to improve brain function in CP and some other disorders
  7. Miscellaneous CP Therapies
  8. Risperidone for controlling grossly abnormal psychotic-like behavior in Autism
  9. Ritalin for modifying ADHD features in Autism and consequent behavior
  10. Secretin and its controversil use in Autism
  11. Tegretol or Carbamazepine for controlling epilepsy
  12. Tizanidine to reduce muscle spasticity in CP without too much sedation
  13. Valproic Acid for relatively safe control of epilepsy in CP
  14. Vancomycin for control of Clostridium deficile infection of gut in Autism

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About FSMHP-UDAAN and its achievents and dreams

  1. The birth and progress of FSMHP-UDAAN for the Disabled
  2. Our history and aims in a nutshell
  3. Some of the Projects of UDAAN
  4. The strength behind Team UDAAN when our ascendency really got going
  5. Brief history of Foundation for Spastic and Mentally Handicapped Persons or FSMHP
  6. Institute for Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Interventional Research Activities (INDIRA) Project: our dream of the future
  7. Road Directions to reach UDAAN once you are in South Delhi near Nehru Place or Kailash Colony
  8. International Recogntion of our labours at UDAAN
  9. Facilities provided to help special need children coming to UDAAN for help
  10. Home for CP set up by the society of parents of special need children with CP
  11. Our Organization
  12. How to send Donation to FSMHP-UDAAN. See also menu items on www.udaan.org at the top of page
  13. Brief guide to some of the treatment strategies available at UDAAN
  14. Beware of Frauds in the name of UDAAN.

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Multimode Therapy of CP

  1. Summary of 15 Rehabilitation and Medical Intervention services and their benefits. available at UDAAN for the Disabled
  2. Multimode Therapy of CP: midway results of first batch
  3. First Indian Pediatric HBOT Study: Final Result - A
  4. First Indian Pediatric HBOT Study: Final Result - B
  5. Cost of Multimode Therapy of CP
  6. What is Acupuncture Therapy
  7. Data on Acupuncture -1
  8. Acupuncture -2
  9. Old Biofeedback data
  10. Pediatric mHBAT at 1.3 ATA for children with CP
  11. Plan of HBOT for CP and Autism at UDAAN
  12. Purified standardized BrahmiTherapy to be used for CP
  13. Results of purified standardized Brahmi Therapy for CP
  14. Multimode Therapy of CP Booking, now being updated
  15. Safety of Multimode Therapy of CP
  16. Selecting CP children for Multimode Therapy, now being updated
  17. Multimode Therapy FAQs, now being updated
  18. Multimode logistics, now being updated
  19. Peer Reviewson our forst batch of Multimode Therapy of CP
  20. UDAAN CP Trial published in Undersea Hyperbaric Medicine Journal of March 2014
  21. Go to Top


    1. Index to Miscellaneous topics
    2. The Founding Family of FSMHP and UDAAN
    3. Album of activities at UDAAN
    4. Artworks made by special need children of UDAAN
    5. How to react and behave when dealing with an affected family or child
    6. Non-formal Therapies for special need children
    7. Ramayan ballet by special need children of UDAAN
    8. Fancy dress 1 by special need children of UDAAN
    9. Fancy dress 2 by special need children of UDAAN
    10. CP Pictures 1 of special need children of UDAAN
    11. CP Pictures 2 of special need children of UDAAN
    12. CP Pictures 3 of special need children of UDAAN
    13. CP Pictures 4 of special need children of UDAAN
    14. CP Pictures 5 of special need children of UDAAN
    15. CP Pictures 6 of special need children of UDAAN

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    Some basic information on Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

    1. Basic anatomical information of special need children
    2. Brain anatomy of special need children
    3. What is Cerebral Palsy
    4. Brief notes on CP and /or MR
    5. Description and genetics of Fragile-X Syndrome
    6. Description and genetics of Klippel Fiel Syndrome
    7. Risks in Pregnancy of begetting special need children

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    Neural Repair and Neurorehabilitation Conference (NR2CON)

    1. Conference on Neural Repair and Neuro Rehabilitation (NR2CON) in September 2007
    2. Paper by Dr. Anjali Joshi
    3. Paper by Dr. Arun Mukherjee
    4. Paper by Dr. Bernard Brucker
    5. Paper by Dr. James Neubrander
    6. Paper by Dr. Kavita Arora
    7. Paper by Ms. Manisha Lad
    8. Paper by Dr. Michael Uszler
    9. Paper by Dr. Nandini Singh
    10. Paper by Dr. Pierre Marois
    11. Paper by Ms. Pratibha Karanth
    12. Paper by Dr. Praveen Suman
    13. Pape by Dr. Daniel Rossignol
    14. Paper by Ms. Shannon Kenitz
    15. Paper by Dr. Sobhan Saha
    16. Paper by Dr. Sudha Kaul
    17. Paper by Ms. Usha Grover

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    Down Syndrome

    1. What is Down's Syndrome
    2. Introduction to Down Syndrome
    3. SPECT Scan in Down's
    4. Genetics in Down's
    5. Maternal age risk in Down's
    6. Checkups for children with Down's
    7. Diagnosis of Down's
    8. Medical treatment of Down's

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    Stem Cell Therapy

    1. Stemcell Introduction
    2. Stem Cell evolution
    3. Stem Cell FAQs
    4. Stem Cell Write-up

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    Botulinum Injection Muscle Relaxant Therapy in CP

    1. Index of papers on Botulinum Toxin in spasticity
    2. What is botulinum toxin
    3. A safer type of bolulinum toxin
    4. Botulin Type B
    5. Published Reviews on use of botulinum toxin in spasticity treatment
    6. Research on botulinum toxin in spasticity treatment
    7. Non-CP Use of botulinum toxin in treatment
    8. Botulinum toxin Warnings
    9. Go to Top

      Links to other helpful organizations
      1. Other Organisations helping special needs
      2. Organisations in Delhi helping special needs
      3. Organizations in India helping special needs
      4. HCPA Home for helping special needs
      5. Parivaar of NGOs: a nodal NGO of other NGOs

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