Summary: Acupuncture is an ancient technique to
provide controlled stimulus through needles inserted at specified points of the
body to control physiological activity, pain, muscle spasm, etc. at a distant
point of the body. This technique can be used successfully to supplement
standard therapy of cerebral palsy to achieve a superior grade of
Neurodevelopmental activities and provide a better quality of life to the cp
child. Last updated January 21, 2007
Acupuncture Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
Based on the talk on role of acupuncture in cp, during the world's
first workshop on UDAAN Multimode Early Medical Intervention Therapy for
Cerebral Palsy, on October 1, 2000, at the Convention Center of Hamdard
University, New Delhi.
Acupuncture or Moxibustion is an ancient art of healing which evolved over
4000 years. The name is derived from Acu = needle + puncture = to penetrate.
It is based on the concept of Yin & Yang
Acupuncture is now backed up by neurophysiological studies, extensive
modern biochemical markers, and definite suggestions for usage. Use of
successful acupuncture techniques have demonstrated a definite increase in
the brain (cerebrospinal fluid) levels of endorphins / enkephalins (natural
pain-killer chemicals), that may explain some of the benefits of this
According to the Yin & Yang theory, there are two opposing forces in
nature, trying to strike a balance, resulting in all manifestations. The
body is a part of nature, hence influenced & ruled by it. When there is
an excess of Yin over Yang or vice versa, it leads to imbalance of forces of
nature. The imbalance of vital forces leads to the development of various
diseases & disorders
The effects of acupuncture are the following - Analgesic
- Sedation
- Homeostatic or Regulatory
- Immunostimulant
- Psychological (? Endogenous opiate route)
- Motor recovery
Many modes of action in relieving pain have been suggested, which
include: - Gate control theory
- Production of Endorphins
- Thalamic Neuron theory
Recent studies carried out have suggested pathways by which these effects
could be manifested: a Pathway
b Pathway
Selection of Acupuncture points is important, and depends upon the
- Points having specific physiological effects
- According to present symptoms
- Resuscitation points
- Auriculotherapy (ear puncture)
- Combination of local points and remote points
- Tonification and sedation points
- Influential points
Basic Acupuncture can also be done by many different modalities, to
achieve similar or additional benefits in selected cases. These widely
different modalities with a common goal include the following:
- Acupressure
- Massage
- Exercise therapy
- Relaxation therapy
- Cupping
- Point Injection therapy
- Cryopuncture
- Laser
- Ultrasonic therapy
There are a number of other modalities which supplement and
complement the benefits achieved by Acupuncture. These include
- Electrotherapy
- Electro-acupuncture
- Magnetotherapy
- Modern therapy
- Ayurveda / Unani
- Homeopathy
- Meditation
- Psychotherapy
- Nutrition
Safety Considerations for using Acupuncture
-Use one set of needles for one person only, in order to avoid transmissible
-Proper sterilization & disinfection of each needle immediately prior to
use is mandatory. This can be done by:
a) Autoclaving
b) Surgical spirit 70% alcohol
c) Fire
d) Boiling in water for 45 minutes
- Proper care of the needles will allow a set to be used for quite a number
of times. It should be changed when it starts causing undue pain during
- Posture of patient during acupuncture is important, and must be learned
from an expert guide.
- Locating proper acupuncture points is one of the keys to successful
- There are many methods of acupuncture as mentioned above, and the most
suitable one has to be selected
- Removal of the acupuncture needles after use should be done with all due
precautions and asepsis as per rules.
Contraindications to the use of Acupuncture:
- Cancer / malignant conditions with CP/MR
- Mechanical obstruction
- Clear indication for surgery
- Fulminating infection
- Drugs (some specific)
- Hemorrhagic diseases
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