Summary: Neurodevelopmental Disabilities comprises a heterogeneous group, some caused by genetic defects, some by injuries or ischemic insults to the developing brain, or to environmental insults, a combinations of any of these or to hitherto unknown causes. We are trying to list here some of these varieties, as a guide to someone who has a risk factor pre-existing, or to prevent them.
Last updated 1st March 2015.

Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Portal of India

Basic data on Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

File name

What the files contain

Anatomy in CP

Anatomy of brain in relation to Neurodevelopmental disorders

Risk factors in Pregnancy

Risk factors in pregnancy that may cause Neurodevelopmental disorders

CP/MR: Description

Causes and description of CP and MR

Klippel Fiel Syndrome

Klippel Fiel Syndrome (KFS): a rare muskuloskeletal developmental disorder

Autism: Part 1

Description of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Part 2

Some newer developments on Autism
Autism Part 3 Incidence and some causes of Autism: recent reports

CP Basics

Basic description of Cerebral Palsy

Adhd Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis and some causes

Our Methods in a nutshell

All our Projects / Multimode Therapy, in a nutshell, and how you can help

Face the Facts

Down-to-earth guidelines on interacting with differently abled persons or their relations, or with a differently abled person in one's own family

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